Friday, July 6, 2007

Thirst for Knowledge and Wisdom

They always say that mankind is in constant search for knowledge. He has this unquenchable thirst for answers to questions that don't seem to stop popping out of his mind. Let's take a look at the mediums, devices and people that human beings approach to seek wisdom throughout history...

Prehistoric Era:

Tribesmen consulted heavenly objects like the sun, moon and stars. They looked for patterns and signs in nature and interpreted them as messages from the gods.

Ancient Scandinavia, Egypt and Greece:

During the times of these ancient civilizations, they have groups of people that specialize in reading these signs in nature, which they call magicians, oracles and prophets. They are believed to be the mediator between heaven and the mortal world. In some civilizations, it is even believed that they have the ability to see the future.

China and India:

This maybe true even today in India, China and other Buddhist countries. These nations highly value and prioritize philosophy in their culture. As a result master monks and teachers, housed in institutes of learning, are the very sources of wisdom.

Dark Ages (Europe):

This was the era dominated by religious fanaticism in Europe. The Christian Church was the institution that held most of the techniques and know-hows that the people needed to survive. From the basic knowledge of crop rotation, to the books of prayers and spiritual exercises. The people were dependent on these information that is why the common attitude back then was submission to authority.


It was a time of enlightenment. The rapid spread of information encouraged the people to engage in the sciences and arts. Poets wrote books, musicians composed songs and inventors created gadgets that revolutionized the way they lived. You could say that in this time period, mankind was able to answer his own question by himself and through his own efforts.

17th - 20th Century (especially 1939 - 1945)

Since mankind learned how to grab hold of and shape his surroundings according to his will, they sought for a leader to make them fabricate the entire world according to their will. A leader capable and wise enough to answer how they can turn their dreams into reality. However, most of the leaders that they chose went overboard and instead poisoned their minds with the wrong information. Nations waged war with other nations for the sake of conquest. Instead of achieving their dreams, the people ended up as mere pawns for this global fabrication that never came true anyway. They only became victims of war and violence. None of their questions were answered and ironically, it even raised more of it.

Present Day (21st Century)

This is the ultimate source of answers for the people of the 21st century:

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