Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Caturday Post - somethin' special

Not As They Seem

Meeting you was
Not the best thing that happened to me
Losing trust and hating you was

Give up
I believe there isn’t any reason for me to
Keep myself open to you
I would just
Hold on to my pride and leave
Because it would be unreal to
Forgive you for hurting me
I am always ready to
See you suffer
I couldn’t stand to
Let go of my anger
Because you showed me hatred, I must
Hate you back
But I can’t
Ignore how disappointing you turned out to be
It was easy not to
Look immediately at your true self
It’s a shame that I couldn’t
Make you the person I wanted you to be
It was wrong to
Abhor me for I loved you for your indescribable beauty

Your loyalty and truthfulness are
Not important

Your gorgeous face and angelic looks are

Hold It!

Who told you to read the entry from top to bottom?
As the title says, things are not as they seem.
Read each line again and this time, start from the bottom and read upwards.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One Liners

One of the requirements for our Laboratory reports is citing the sources of errors of our experiment. Instead of doing so, I wrote there, "Why would I admit my mistakes?"

During the first day of classes, my teacher handed out index cards and told us to write the name we wanted to be called so I wrote there, "The emperor of the world" :P

My teacher gave me a Philosophy book, an orange hi-lighter and told me to hi-light the statements I couldn't understand. The next day, he looked at the book and said, "I don't remember giving you a book with orange pages!"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Feelings of paranoia

Well I've decided to take a break from busting my brains from reading the philosophies of Immanuel Kant. Somehow, I'm only able to grasp the surface or the shell of what he wants to say. I hate it the way he writes. The way he uses a lot of semicolons and other quotation marks to make an entire paragraph out of a single sentence. If his point was simplified, maybe I'll understand and appreciate it better. Then again, some things are amazing because of their complexities.

I've finished my excel homework for CS10.5. It took me only about half an hour to finish it. I plan on doing my lab report next and after that, it seems like I don't have anymore pending assignments. What I hate about myself is that the less work I need to finish, the more uneasy I feel because it seems like a moment of free time is too good to be true. I can feel it in my gut that sooner or later, an unforgiving amount of work is waiting for me right around the corner. And this gut feeling often overwhelms me and brings me to a state of paranoia.

Gotta be alert.

Feeling more uneasy by the minute...


Friday, July 20, 2007

Random rants - If it's not one thing, its another

Maybe I'll just post some random rants for today. I had one hell of a week and there's barely enough breathing space for me. Too much time has been dedicated to work and less to more important things like sleeping. Just when I though I was about to have a weekend off, I suddenly receive tons of assignments on the last minute. There goes my plan for the weekend. Its a good thing Amphersand is only a virtual store or else weeds and 5-foot tall grass would have been growing there by now. I guess these inconveniences all part of the gamble I made...

Two of my block mates didn't attend classes today because they used his time to travel to their Immersion destination. One of them texted me this afternoon and it sounds (I hope that it is!) like their doing OK on their first day. I mean the weather there surely must have been better compared to what happened in Manila this afternoon. A brief freak rain storm attacked the city for about 15 to 20 minutes. Winds blew with unbelievable strength. I was caught in the middle of traffic and it was difficult moving around because visibility was extremely low. If I'm not careful, I might hit another car or the street lamp post. Anyways back to the Immersion issue.

I don't know if it's just me or it's because it's Friday (hey its Caturday tomorrow!) but during our Analytical Chemistry class, which is my last class for the day, it seemed the size of the class was reduced by half. Knowing that two of my friends would be away today and for the entire weekend really made me feel that a really really big part of my day was missing. There was this noticeable and disturbing sense of incompleteness. It's kind of like forcing your car to move on a missing tire.

Well more work ahead for me tomorrow. Gotta catch some z's and recharge myself for another restless week-end.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Go Figure...

Me and a couple of my friends were one day thinking about reaching out to the marginalized people in society. Among the groups that top our list are the pessimists and procrastinators. They are the ones that need a lot of help so that they can be productive members of society. We then thought of holding seminars to give talks and inspire them to consider and change their ways. Of course preparing these conferences have their corresponding cost.

The cost will come from renting the venue. Not to mention the complementary refreshments and miscellaneous supplies. Mailing letters, pamphlets and advertisements will also contribute to it.

And what about the idea of having a conference itself? Some might think it's not a good idea. We could be only wasting our time. What if nobody shows up? What will we do if the food and supplies go to waste?

The idea will probably be ridiculed anyway and we might not properly monitor the project. We'll just end up putting all of our work for tomorrow....

Because of these frustrating possibilities, we decided to abandon the idea.

Go Figure...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Thirst for Knowledge and Wisdom

They always say that mankind is in constant search for knowledge. He has this unquenchable thirst for answers to questions that don't seem to stop popping out of his mind. Let's take a look at the mediums, devices and people that human beings approach to seek wisdom throughout history...

Prehistoric Era:

Tribesmen consulted heavenly objects like the sun, moon and stars. They looked for patterns and signs in nature and interpreted them as messages from the gods.

Ancient Scandinavia, Egypt and Greece:

During the times of these ancient civilizations, they have groups of people that specialize in reading these signs in nature, which they call magicians, oracles and prophets. They are believed to be the mediator between heaven and the mortal world. In some civilizations, it is even believed that they have the ability to see the future.

China and India:

This maybe true even today in India, China and other Buddhist countries. These nations highly value and prioritize philosophy in their culture. As a result master monks and teachers, housed in institutes of learning, are the very sources of wisdom.

Dark Ages (Europe):

This was the era dominated by religious fanaticism in Europe. The Christian Church was the institution that held most of the techniques and know-hows that the people needed to survive. From the basic knowledge of crop rotation, to the books of prayers and spiritual exercises. The people were dependent on these information that is why the common attitude back then was submission to authority.


It was a time of enlightenment. The rapid spread of information encouraged the people to engage in the sciences and arts. Poets wrote books, musicians composed songs and inventors created gadgets that revolutionized the way they lived. You could say that in this time period, mankind was able to answer his own question by himself and through his own efforts.

17th - 20th Century (especially 1939 - 1945)

Since mankind learned how to grab hold of and shape his surroundings according to his will, they sought for a leader to make them fabricate the entire world according to their will. A leader capable and wise enough to answer how they can turn their dreams into reality. However, most of the leaders that they chose went overboard and instead poisoned their minds with the wrong information. Nations waged war with other nations for the sake of conquest. Instead of achieving their dreams, the people ended up as mere pawns for this global fabrication that never came true anyway. They only became victims of war and violence. None of their questions were answered and ironically, it even raised more of it.

Present Day (21st Century)

This is the ultimate source of answers for the people of the 21st century:

Back Online!

Whew! It feels great to be back online after going through a week without an internet connection due to a busted phone line. Having no access felt like I was thrown back to the dark ages. Of course there was the option of accessing the net through public computers but there is always the possibility of bringing home a virus whenever I use my flask disk. That happened twice to me already and I can’t take anymore chances. Besides, I live in Manila. The odds of catching a virus (both biological and computer) through public computers are high :D