Sunday, April 6, 2008

Need... sleep...

It's been more than a week since school ended. And for the past few months, I've been sleeping late... like around 3am everyday since December. This is thanks to the countless school work, papers, reports and assigned readings. You can tell that my body got used to this kind of unhealthy schedule - sleeping late and waking up late. Now that it's summer time, it's important that I get to sleep as early as possible for two reasons:

1. It's too hot in the mornings to sleep-in.

2. With my OJT coming up, I'll need to wake up early in time for the regular office hours.

But changing my current sleeping patterns is not as easy as it sounds. Something tells me it needs more than iron will to pull this off considering I'm not the kind of person that is flexible with his daily schedules. I really need to get over this nocturnal lifestyle.

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