Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Food crisis across the world

I've been watching CNN for the past few days and the news are all the same. The entire world is suffering from rising food prices. I guess this is no surprise since the country is already feeling the impact of rice shortage. Can we say that the government is at fault for rising prices and the supply shortage? Maybe not but neither are they free of the blame. Other rice producing nations are considering a ban on rice exports. This could spell trouble for the country since the government would rather increase the imports than support local production to compensate for the shortage.

In Egypt, the people are already complaining of the rising bread prices. Even with the government, subsidy, the supply is still not enough to feed the people who live below the poverty line. In Haiti, there is already civil unrest due to the problem of inflation. The street riots were so violent that it needed the intervention of the United Nations. When interviewed, the people couldn't figure out who or what is causing the problems. Could it be government corruption? Overpopulation? Global warming? Some organizations blame the overproduction of biofuels since the raw material used are foodstuffs. It's an ironic situation if you think about it. We produce alternative sources of energy to save the planet at the expense of our own survival.

It's a scary thought but this dilemma could be caused by all of those factors. We ignored each of them for too long. Now that each problem has worsen over time, it's bouncing back towards us all at the same time and they are now too much for us to handle. It's a sad fact that the current generation is paying for the mistakes of the people who ignored these problems in the past.

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