Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Decisions decisions...

I've been looking around for some new gadgets in Green Hills when this new computer caught my attention. It's Blue's answer to the Asus EEEPC - the DEEP BLUE H1 UMPC, another model of Mobile PC.

The laptop has a greater memory capacity, a faster processor speed and it has the features the EEEPC has. Here are the specs of each computer:

Deep Blue H1
Processor speed: 1.0Ghz
Hard disk: 40GB SSD
Memory: 1GB DDR2
Built in speaker, mic and web cam
Screen size 7" LCD
Weight: 1.2 Kgs
Selling price range: PHP16K-18.5K

Processor speed: 900Mhz
Hard disk: 4GB Flash memory
Memory: 512Mb DDR2
Built in speaker, mic and web cam
Screen size 7" LCD
Weight: 0.92 Kgs
Selling price range: PHP16K-18.5K

At first glance it looks more powerful and a better deal than the EEEPC... or is it?

The H1 definitely wins by it's greater memory size but it's the processor which makes it questionable. The H1 runs on a VIA C7-M while the EEEPC runs on an Intel Celeron 900. The VIA brand is new to me so I've been reading though some forums to get some feedback from the users. Unfortunately some reviews contradict each other. Some say that the VIA is more energy efficient while others say that it consumes so much power that it can cause the system to overheat. Some even say that the VIA must clock in at an insane speed of 2.0Ghz just to match the speed of a 900Mhz Intel Processor (Whut?). Intel is seen in the industry as the "Rolls Royce" of processors so the memory of the EEEPC is sacrificed. This makes the VIA processor look like a weaker contender and less valuable. So which Mobile PC is more practical? I can't really say for now. If any of my readers have any opinion on this please shed some light on this topic. Feed backs are greatly appreciated. Thanks

Monday, April 28, 2008

Suffering from bad net connection

It's been a very long while since I last posted an entry here. I've got my DSL provider to thank for that. It's so strange that one Sunday afternoon, the Internet connection just went dead and it's been 2 weeks and counting. I'm using a public access computer here in my school that's why you're able to read this post. Don't you just hate it when the internet goes dead just when you need it the most? And the worst part is that our provider couldn't figure out what's wrong with our connection. I've forwarded dozens of complaints

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Food crisis across the world

I've been watching CNN for the past few days and the news are all the same. The entire world is suffering from rising food prices. I guess this is no surprise since the country is already feeling the impact of rice shortage. Can we say that the government is at fault for rising prices and the supply shortage? Maybe not but neither are they free of the blame. Other rice producing nations are considering a ban on rice exports. This could spell trouble for the country since the government would rather increase the imports than

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Need... sleep...

It's been more than a week since school ended. And for the past few months, I've been sleeping late... like around 3am everyday since December. This is thanks to the countless school work, papers, reports and assigned readings. You can tell that my body got used to this kind of unhealthy schedule - sleeping late and waking up late. Now that it's summer time, it's important that I get to sleep as early as possible for two reasons:

Friday, April 4, 2008

Suffering from thermal shock

It's summer again and with the continuous problem of global warming the temperature reaches abnormally high levels. The heat from the midday sun is so extreme that I can feel the radiation piercing through my skin like thousands of hot needles. This is the reason why I don't go out much and if I need to, I plan my trip well as to avoid as much sun as I can. I'm thankful I don't have any summer classes this time.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shot down

Its only been a week since the final exams ended. I feel the summer heat but not the break. It seems that my work spills over the months of April and May since I need to finish my OJT. I was supposed to apply for the laboratory inside our school, PIPAC (Philippine Insitute of Pure and Applied Chemistry), along with some friends but it seems the job descripion didn't fit the standards of JG-SOM. They shot down our application and