Friday, September 25, 2009

The Perfect Macaroons

The butter macaroon is a product of Goldilocks, a famous Filipino pastry shop. Its bright yellow color gives emphasis on the butter ingredient. As for the taste, each macaroon explodes with flavor. The sweet butter complements the crunchy coconut coating. The bakery was also able to add a twist to the usual shape of the food. The macaroons are ball-shaped instead of the traditional cup-cake form, making them easier and more fun to eat. It is an excellent treat to bring home to the family. But I warn you, these butter macaroons are very addictive. You can't have just one.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Choco Lava

When I was a child, the two dominant chocolate drink products in the market were Ovaltine and Milo. Whenever I craved for cocoa drinks, those were the only options I had since they were and affordable available in every supermarket. The only problem is that they did not capture the rich chocolate taste that my taste buds were longing for. Other alternatives I had were cocoa mixes imported from America like Swiss Miss and Hershey's. However, they were expensive and were only available in specialty stores. All of my gastronomic dilemmas were solved with the arrival of Choco Lava in the market.

The product was recently launched by the manufacturing giant, URC. It has excellent quality since it is made by URC and best of all, it is affordable because it is made locally. As for the taste, Choco Lava captures the rich, deep, smooth essence of real chocolate. Probably because it has no malt, the ingredient that, I suspect, dilutes the cocoa extract in Milo and Ovaltine. Choco Lava is so rich that the taste doesn't become too bland even if you dilute it in 500mL of water (the recommended is only around 300mL). On the other hand, the balance between water and Milo/Ovaltine is so delicate that you could immediately lose the flavor if you get the mixture wrong. You end up instead with a dull, watery chocolate liquid.

I highly recommend mixing Choco Lava with coffee creamer to add more texture to the drink. But for those chocolate addicts who want the real, pure, untainted chocolate taste, then no alteration is necessary. Once again, I applaud URC for giving the Filipino consumers access to an affordable yet flavorful chocolate drink.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

At Cafe Xocolat

Sunday mornings are usually the perfect time to drive to Katipunan Avenue and hang out at the coffee shops. There is no traffic and parking is plentiful. But today, I decided to try out the restaurant that I read about in business magazines. Cafe Xocolat, or simply Xocolat for short, is a Filipino-owned cafe/restaurant that serves, what else, chocolate products. From ice blended drinks to cakes and brownies, they always have something to offer the average chocolate addict. I've always been primarily curious about their chocolate drinks. Now, I had the chance to check them out for myself.

I bought the Xocolat Lava. It's one of their best-sellers. The title "Lava" gives justice to the richness of the chocolate drink. It tasted just like those hot coca drinks served in luxury hotels. What I can say about it is that the taste is very, very genuine as if the drink was made from freshly processed cacao beans. It's not over sweetened with sugar nor is it diluted with too much milk. The bitter-sweet taste captures the true essence of chocolate. But for a small cup (refer to picture above) priced at Php 115 it's certainly not a substitute for those expensive chocolate drinks made by multinational corporations like Coffee Bean and Starbucks. I personally haven't tried the imported counterparts of Xocolat so I can't give a conclusive comparison between Xocolat Lava and the other brands yet aside from their prices.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

URC's Answer to Rebisco

Shortly after Rebisco released its Extreme Choco Sandwich into the market, URC (Universal Robina Corporation) countered with its own version of chocolate-infused crackers. Using their sandwich product line, Magic Creams, the company created a chocolate cream filled variety with choco coating. URC is notorious for having quick answers to almost anything their competitors can throw at them. The aggressive nature of this manufacturing giant makes them a formidable rival in the industry. URC may have the edge in market performance, but what about the all important taste of the product? Unfortunately, I'll have to put this question on hold for now because I haven't tasted Magic Choco Coated Creams yet. But from the looks of the product, I think I can predict that Magic is less intense than Rebisco Extreme. The crackers are plain and don't have chocolate flavor. It also looks like there are no chocolate sprinkles. Maybe it compensates with its thick coating? I'm not sure. I'll have to buy one on my next visit to the supermarket to find out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's All About Flavor

What I appreciate in any food is the intensity of its flavor. And nothing is as intense as the new product KFC cooked up last month. KFC Flavor Shots are just like their Hot Shots and Fun Shots counterparts. The only difference is that the sauce is marinated deep beneath the breading. The strong, sharp, piquant savor of the seasonings and spices leaves a great tangy aftertaste. I highly recommend the barbecue variant for those who like a smoky and spicy gastronomic experience. The sweet chili is for those who want a milder and more balanced zest yet leaves a sharp impression on their taste buds. The Flavor Shots are excellent with rice, mashed potatoes or on its own. Their exquisite tastes leave me craving for more. The only problem is that good food doesn't come cheap. At around Php 55 for a small box, a frequent supply will be bad for my wallet, not to mention my weight. So if you want intense flavor and don't mind the price to pay, then try KFC's Flavor Shots. It's food with a personality.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Now That's Extreme!

I'm really not a fan of any cream-filled biscuits. Probably because the manufacturers didn't put enough flavor in those fillings turning them into plain bland crackers. But all that changed when Rebisco released it's new product, the Extreme Choco Sandwich. Just how extreme is it? Let's see... it's made of chocolate crackers, filled with layers of chocolate cream, generously covered with chocolate coating and topped off with chocolate sprinkles! It's a good fix for your average chocolate addict.

What makes this snack great is that the chocolate doesn't taste cheap, unlike those over-sweetened and artificially flavored imitation choco creams. You can really taste the deep, dark and bittersweet essence of REAL chocolate with every bite of this biscuit. I'm not really sure if I remember the retail price correctly but I think it's around Php 42 for a pack of 10. That's how most 10-pack biscuits cost in the market. And at that price, the Rebisco Extreme could probably be the snack that gives you the most value for your money. Now if only they have Extreme in vanilla, butter and strawberry...

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Ready to Drink Coffee

A ready to drink coffee is a heaven-sent gift for people on the go, and lazy individuals like me. Finally, consumers can save time from preparing hot water and the instant coffee mixes. Aside from the obvious convenience, another advantage is that you are sure that the taste of the drink is always consistent. I've had many mornings ruined because I put either too much coffee powder or not enough sugar. Best of all, Coffee Twist can be served cold just the way I like it.

The product is available in three flavors: Classic, Hazelnut and Orange. The first is the original black coffee flavor. This is for those who want the strong and untainted coffee taste. Hazelnut is for those who want a sweeter variety and believe me, it's REALLY sweet. At first glance, the orange flavor is something new and strange but don't let traditional perceptions stop you from trying this variety. I was hesitant myself at first, but URC got the perfect balance of these two conflicting tastes. The fruity, citrus hint of orange neutralizes the bitterness of coffee. The flavor is perfect for those who want a milder alternative.
Come to think of it, there have been no locally made RTD coffee prior to the arrival of Coffee Twist. If ever there are any, they are too expensive because they are imported. So when you buy Coffee Twist, you don't only save money, you also support the local industry. I applaud the hard working people at URC (Universal Robina Corporation) for giving us an affordable and delicious alternative to coffee drinks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

For September, It's All About...

Whew! It feels good to be back blogging again. The last half of August was just crazy. I've been taking care of application forms, both for employment and for review classes. Also, I finally had the guts to ask the apparel store in our neighborhood if they accept resellers. I've decided that the companies I applied for are either taking too long to reply or have rejected my applications. Now it's time to take matters into my own hands. I'm prepared to take the risk of becoming an online merchant. At least I answer to nobody, I have my own schedule and most of my work can be done at home. yay! From my calculations, the earnings may not be so high, but I'll never know, right?

The past month wasn't all about submitting forms. I've been taking some household responsibilities by doing some chores, mainly the groceries. This chore ain't so bad. I've been going to the supermarket with my mom ever since I was little so I'm pretty familiar with standard product prices, discount deals and the methods on how to spot fresh meat and vegetables. The best part is that I get to buy the latest snacks and beverages out in the market. And that is what I plan to blog all this September (hopefully I'll be able to keep this commitment). It's about reviewing, criticizing and maybe even promoting the latest food products on the grocery shelves.