Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Minor degree in Philo? Why not?

If everything goes well (and I hope it does), I'm expected to only have a few subjects during my super senior (5th) year. And by "few" I mean 6 units each semester, which is equivalent to 2 subjects per sem. So I decided to make good use of the time I'll have. Now, why Philosophy? Well, one of the shallow reasons is that it's one of the minor degrees that doesn't involve group works. The only thing that hinders me from earning this degree is laziness. Next, the prerequisites are not that high. There are no QPI requirements and the only condition is that you didn't get a grade below C during for your PH101-104 classes.

Deeper reasons? I want to know more about religion, ethics and morality. To be honest, I think the Theology courses we had are too stiff and the only thing that keeps me from blindly accepting my faith is Philosophy. I want to know more about what people have to say about those issues. I didn't think I was convinced enough from our lectures from PH 103 and 104.

This morning I had an appointment with the minor degree director, Mr. Mariano. As always, the most difficult question to answer is why I want to pursue such a degree? He thought that since I'm in a management course, I want something in line with that like business ethics. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the real reason why I want a minor is only for me to do something productive, yet easy next year and earn a worthwhile degree. I want to do it FOR THE LULZ!

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