Saturday, March 29, 2008

Never say goodbye

It's 11:20am. In a few hours, the entire MAC block will receive their diplomas and will be saying their final goodbyes to the school but hopefully not to each other. I wish I could be there during their graduation ceremony but I don't think I can handle being there without crying *sob*.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Asus EEPC... WANT!

The progress of technology sure is fast. IT companies have been flooding the Philippine market with lots of low-cost computers. The image of laptops and PDA's as luxury items is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Just recently, I saw this awesome laptop in an Octagon Computer store. It's the Asus EEPC, a low-cost and portable computer. I want to call it a portable computer because it's smaller than your average laptop. Don't believe me? Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Minor degree in Philo? Why not?

If everything goes well (and I hope it does), I'm expected to only have a few subjects during my super senior (5th) year. And by "few" I mean 6 units each semester, which is equivalent to 2 subjects per sem. So I decided to make good use of the time I'll have. Now, why Philosophy? Well, one of the shallow reasons is that it's one of the minor degrees that doesn't involve group works. The only thing that hinders me from earning this degree is laziness. Next, the prerequisites are not that high. There are no QPI requirements and the only condition is that you didn't get a grade below C during for your PH101-104 classes.


The last laboratory report has been submitted and the presentation is finally over. Thanks to the coming Holy Week break, we'll be getting some well deserved rest. It's not over yet though. We still have to face our final exams after this. Yes, that's right. We still have to go back after Holy Week. I think it's the first time this has ever happened to me. The Lent Season really started early this year. Oh well... At least it gives us time to rest. But I shouldn't dedicate my entire break on video games and blogging. I must set aside time to review even if I don't want to. The finals on both my chemistry subjects seem brutal. With such long coverages, who knows what questions will pop out of the exam? Just thinking about it is enough to drive me up the wall. I just hope the exams are not going to be as ugly as I expect it to be.