Monday, November 19, 2007


We just had our first surprise quiz for physical chemistry for the semester and as usual less than half of the class passed. Probably only 4 out of 25. It's a clear sign that I must set my brain back to school-mode. I have to admit it's difficult to do just that this time of the year since I just came back from sem break and the fact that it's Christmas Season already. I just have this tendency to take things too easy and lightly.

I know I have to go back and hit the books but I still have to write a novel (Yes. I wrote something during the break) which is a chapter away from completion. So close...

I also have this extreme desire to make that online store and sell some of my old junk on ebay. This time of the year is perfect since a lot of people will be shopping online to buy Christmas gifts. Too bad I'll be missing out on it. Talk about opportunity costs...

Well, first things first. I must not let my Gemini instincts of starting one thing without finishing the other get the best of me. So it's academics, then the novel and finally profit. The most important task comes first before the most complicated.

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