Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Perfect Breakfast Food

I've been to a lot of tours before and the day is always started the same way. We have breakfast at the hotel and western breakfast is always served. But in Korea, I had a break from my usual plate of sausage and eggs. I was able to try out their waffles, jams and donuts. You may think that there is nothing unusual about that breakfast, right? Wrong! The hotel we stayed in serves the best waffles I have ever tasted. What won me over was their texture. It was the crispiest and crunchiest waffles I have eaten in my entire life. And they made it all without burning the pastry. I have tried making waffles before and they always turn out to be soft and soggy. I wonder how they do it? Is the secret in the waffle iron or the batter mix?

Waffles as perfect as these cannot be fully enjoyed with simple maple syrup. So I went over to the jam section and smothered my waffles with generous scoops of strawberry jam. It was difficult to pick the best jam since a lot of choices were available. They have strawberry, grape, marmalade, pineapple and raspberry. The grape jam was alright but it lacked sweetness. The raspberry, on the other hand, was too fruity. In the end, the strawberry jam exhibited the right balance of flavors. How I wish I could know the secret of the waffles and take home some of those berry jams as well.

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