Sunday, February 3, 2008

Slowing down

Last week was a real hell week. I had a long test in physical chem, I stayed up the entire night to finish a lab report, I made an outline for Theology class and I even had to negotiate with the Chemistry department stock room for our supplies for next week. Fortunately I passed the long test *whew* and our group was able to submit the lab report in time. What really wore me out was the research we had to do for our next lab experiment. In just a single day I had to run back and forth from the library, to the stock room and to the faculty room just to get our prelab approved. Luckily I was able to secure the reagents and equipment with the technician before the week was over. After that day, I was surprised that there were very few assignments left to do. The amount of school work flowing towards me suddenly slowed down. This coming Monday is even a holiday for our school, which means a long weekend. This long break is just what the doctor ordered for us students who are stressed out.

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