Thursday, August 16, 2007

What can I say? They did it again!

Well they did it again! The government declared a suspension of classes and guess what? It's pretty much dry outside (not that I'm complaining). At least they were smart enough to suspend it yesterday because it was really pouring that morning. Now I'm able to catch up with a lot of things: my website, my CS project and more importantly sleep. This suspension of classes means that my chem lab sessions are canceled as well (for the second time!) And I think it won't be long before they eat up our beloved semestral and Christmas breaks and make us pay for the lost sessions. I don't k now if that's a good thing or not. I gotta make this entry short because it's almost time for our group meeting in CS. I have to prepare my camera and take some relevant (and probably some irrelevant) photos of our school.

I just remembered that we also have another project for our theology class which I think is due by the first week of September. I wonder if any of my group mates are aware?

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