Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aphrodisiac Anonymous: "Moving On" in the Wrong Direction

This topic is related to the experience of pain and sorrow pointed out in the entry, "Necessity of Pain". As mentioned, it is natural to cry over a failed relationship. A common yet misleading advice for you is "to move on". Personally, that advice annoys me since people take it too lightly and sees the act as an instant solution to the problem.

They think that by simply forgetting their ex and locking up the bad emotions deep inside them, they can "move on". Some would even go the extravagant way and take a vacation, go some place far away and spend some time alone. By the time they get back, they convince themselves and others that they feel new and declare that they have "moved on". Maybe these methods an help you cope with your pain. But once you return and you still feel sorrow and hatred; you still feel like bitching about your ex and you constantly irritate people how you suffered through your heartaches, then tell me... where did you go? Did you really progress? Were you actually able to move on?

Maybe you only took a long trip to ignore the pain in the hopes that it will magically disappear when you get back. You just ran away and created an illusion for you to dwell in. You are simply denying your sorrow. Maybe you are not in for the relaxing benefits of the vacation so you can handle the stress better. Maybe you are simply craving for more attention because you feel so alone and you're hoping that people will miss you if you leave. Whatever the reason is, let's think and keep things real. Try letting go of the pain but beware of creating illusions. The act of letting go borders between truly "moving on" and simply playing dumb.

Truly "moving" on involves acceptance of reality and letting go of the sorrow. It may lead to learning and you may become more than what you are today. It is going along with the bad experiences and not against it.

Feeling pain is natural but holding on to those emotions is pathetic.

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