Monday, June 30, 2008

Aphrodisiacs Anonymous: Introduction

It's the topic not everyone is willing to talk about openly. It's difficult to put it into words since it's the heart that rules the body and not the mind. Many have fallen in but few were able to get out. Yes, it's the ambivalent "L" word that is creating lives as well as destroying them.

Many, if not all, would rather talk about love vaguely and metapohorically rather than literally and up close. The reason being is that love is considered as something transcendental. It is even beyond emotions that simple words, rules and logic cannot fully comprehend this unique, yet strange, human characteristic. This is why love is expressed through poems and songs. If one tries to discover the true essence of love, he would probably not find any concrete conclusion or would go insane trying. After all, it's all about emotions, so why get the brain involved? Others would see love as a very personal affair. They would refuse to engage with the lives of others for the fear of being labeled as a meddler. This is why many would rather sit back and let it be - let love take over the mind and see what would happen next.

However, I refuse to be complacent to love because it is more than a feeling of emotional intoxication. I admit that love is transcendental but the problems that go along with it are not. There are more things that happen beyond that first kiss and beyond that engagement ring. Love doesn't always translate to a happy ending. If you believe that, you might as well live in a fairytale. Some hapless souls only see its addictive part making them vulnerable and unprepared to face its harsh reality. I want to ask questions about the various problems of love and relationships. I want to ask what brings two people together and what separates them. I am not trying to prove a point nor am I trying to reach a compromise. I'm not even assuming I'm correct with the tings I say here. I've had my share of bad relationships but I could still be wrong. But as I enumerate and criticize them, I hope to draw out some useful insights that may help people make the proper choices in dealing with these relationship problems. Relying solely on emotions can lead to your own demise. You need to ask and think once in a while.

*I don't intend Aphrodisiacs Anonymous to be a static post, so constructive replies from readers that will make the topic more meaningful are greatly appreciated*

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thoughts of a person with too much free time

What do you plant to produce seedless grapes?

If you delete a file in the recycling bin, where does it go? Does a full computer memory disk weigh heavier than an empty one?

When you're inside a grocery and you take items from another person's cart, is it considered stealing? After all, neither of you has paid for the item yet, right?. Of course society will mark you as an idiot or a total jerk, but can they mark you as a thief?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are the JGSOM lessons outdated?

We just completed our first full 3-hour class with Mr. Rico Gonzalez today. It was about business ethics but in his class, we got more out of it than we expected. For nearly the entire duration of the period, sir Rico told a lot of stories about himself and his adventurous friends who went abroad to work for investment firms. I personally don't know what exactly happens in those firms but people who work there sure make a lot of money. And by that, we are talking about dollars in the billions! Then he goes on talking about the experiences of other people who worked in the same industry. He told us how three people saved a company during an economic crisis and because of their intuition, they were given a bonus of more than $15 billion each. So what's the point of all this?

Monday, June 9, 2008

New EEEPC units are here!

I went to SM Mega Mall last night and two laptop computers caught my attention. At first I wondered why this Asus EEEPC had a different webcam design on top of it's screen. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was the new EEE 900 series. I really didn't think that it would arrive here in Manila so soon... actually, I didn't think that it would arrive at all. This series has a 9-inch (8.9 to be exact) LCD, maximizing all the available space of the laptop. Unlike its 700 series counterparts, it doesn't have any speakers next to the display so I'm still wondering where the audio output hardware is. From what I know so far, it has 1GB RAM and the storage capacity can go from 12GB to 20GB. Awesome!