Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First of the last

Today wasn't the usual scorching and irritating sunny weather. It was cloudy, gloomy and the temperature dropped to a comfortable 28C. A perfect way to start the first day of the last semester... My schedule is great and I think the professors are terrific. I finally got the T-TH schedule I've been wanting for so long. I've always wanted to experience going to class for only 2 times a week. I can sleep through Monday and celebrate my long weekend on Thursday. As for the remaining classes, it seems that my workload for my Philo minor course will be relatively lighter than last time. However, this will balanced out by my LS class, which will bombard us with tons of papers, reports and field work.... CRAP. It's the final stretch to the finish line... I hope I don't f*ck this one up.

[I got left behind by one year, yet it feels like I lost five]

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