Pentagon Attack
1. If a Boeing 757 really hit the side of the Pentagon, then why was the cavity created so small that it didn't correspond with the dimensions of the 757?
2. Where was the plane wreckage? There were no luggages, engine or fuselage remains at the site.
3. The Pentagon is probably one of the most heavily-guarded place in the world just like Fort Knox or Area 51. Then how come very few security camera footages, capturing the incident, were released to the public? And why was the date on the recording a day early?
Is it a bird?A plane? A MISSILE?
World Trade Center1. Why did some of the firefighters hear simultaneous explosions as if there were bombs planted on the tower for a controlled demolition?
2. Why did some eye-witnesses report seeing a plane with no windows? Some claim it was a cargo plane but it could be more than that...
3. What was the pole-like object attached onto the belly of the plane? Was it really a civilian airline or a military craft that crashed? Some say it resembled the bottom of an E-10 Joint Stars aircraft and the object was a radar device.

Flight 93
Probably this is the weirdest and most disturbing piece of news ever. It would be better if you watch it yourself. Check out these videos below.
But of course, these reports didn't go anywhere without an angry feedback from the audience. There were people who were not convinced by the conspiracy theories and gave a reply of their own. They said, "If the government was really behind these events, and they had the capability to kill thousands of innocent Americans in the process, then what would stop them from killing a few more people from revealing the truth to ensure that their deception of the public is a success?"
This is a situation that is very difficult to digest. The truth is still veiled and there are still plenty of questions left unanswered. One thing is certain though, that the human imagination can go extremely wild.
2. Why did some eye-witnesses report seeing a plane with no windows? Some claim it was a cargo plane but it could be more than that...
3. What was the pole-like object attached onto the belly of the plane? Was it really a civilian airline or a military craft that crashed? Some say it resembled the bottom of an E-10 Joint Stars aircraft and the object was a radar device.
Flight 93
Probably this is the weirdest and most disturbing piece of news ever. It would be better if you watch it yourself. Check out these videos below.
But of course, these reports didn't go anywhere without an angry feedback from the audience. There were people who were not convinced by the conspiracy theories and gave a reply of their own. They said, "If the government was really behind these events, and they had the capability to kill thousands of innocent Americans in the process, then what would stop them from killing a few more people from revealing the truth to ensure that their deception of the public is a success?"
This is a situation that is very difficult to digest. The truth is still veiled and there are still plenty of questions left unanswered. One thing is certain though, that the human imagination can go extremely wild.
Need Moar?
If you want to know more about this topic, please visit the following links. You can also watch the trailer of "In Plane Sight", a documentary about the 9/11 attack consipracy.
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In Plane Sight Trailer
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In Plane Sight Home Page
In Plane Sight Trailer